Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Arliss' turn to peek out from under the gate. . .

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Michele said...

Awww! I have pictures of my pug Daisy like these.

Punchbugpug said...

What a cutie!!!!

llisoski said...

Hi Loren!

My name is Lauren as well and I work for a Portland based Advertising Agency that is preparing to release a new DVD set, featuring Cesar Milan. This fresh, new DVD set shows dog owners a variety of Cesar’s key concepts, including how to become a “pack leader”, the importance of calm-assertive energy, and how to establish proper rules, boundaries and limitations for your dog. If you're interested in being one of the first to review this new DVD set and post your thoughts on your blog, I'd love to send you a complimentary DVD promo set. Just shoot me an email if you're interested!

Lauren Lisoski

Anonymous said...

Hello.This is first time for me to visit your site.
How cute!
I have a cat and guppies aquarium, and love to ride a horse.
I also take care of a dog which is rescued from a shelter until the dog find foster home.
I'm happy if you link to my site.
baratch's pet blog

Amy said...

Haha... I have a rabbit named Arliss, and when I googled the name your blog came up! What's funnier is that my boyfriend is a HUGE pug fan but hates our Arliss (she is a cranky old lady, given), so now maybe I can win him over with a pug named Arliss.

We are definitely dog ppl but I have to admit I'm not a pug fan. Maybe this is a healing opportunity for both of us!