Friday, October 12, 2007

Little Man - Ivan the Terrier Sleeps with A Mask On Now!

Yes, it's true. Ivan is very set in his ways and when it's bedtime he wants lights out or he's not happy. My Mom thought that if he wore the little sleeping mask he could sleep while the lights were on and it worked! He actually sleeps with them on all night. Sometimes they slide off of his face while he sleeps but most of the time they stay put! It will be interesting to see if Arliss and Tonka will try and remove his mask at bedtime. Arliss has been know to take Ivan's sweater off! We will let you know what happens when we go to visit Ivan next weekend!
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1 comment:

The Devil Dog said...

That is very, very funny. Lucky is ready for bed by 8:30 with the boy, but I am not ready for bed until mom gets in bed, under the covers and turns the lights off.
