Monday, September 01, 2008

A month is too long for friends to be apart!

Here is Buster, Arliss is sunning himself in the background!
We moved exactly one month ago yesterday. We only moved about 2 miles from our old street and house but moving meant that Arliss and Tonka weren't going to have the same routine. It meant no more daily pilgrimage to Buster's front door! And for Buster, the move meant that he wouldn't be able to spy his friends walking down the street toward his house anymore. This was one of his favorite pasttimes. When Buster saw or heard us coming up the street, he would let out a wail like you've never heard before. His parents, Mary and Jack had this understanding that when/if Arliss and Tonka walked by, no matter what was happening, they would bring him out to say hello. Sometimes for a minute sometimes for an hour, whatever we all had time for. Buster could be inside with no access to his window view and he could still sense when we were outside! In the month that we have moved, we tried to connect for a playdate, but until today, we couldn't make it happen. With Mary's help I was able to surprise Arliss and Tonka with their old friend Buster. I am convinced that the pugs weren't 100% settled until this afternoon when Buster and Mary came to visit. When Mary arrived Arliss wouldn't leave her side,he clearly remembered her and missed her very much. He was so happy to see her. Mary was a regular fixture in Arliss' routine, so seeing, hearing and smelling his friends Mary and Buster, really made his day. So tonight,Arliss is much happier, and much more relaxed. He actually walked down our back staircase to greet Buster. He usually sits at the top of the stairs but doesn't dare to walk down. BIG progress today, people! Here is a funny video of the three pugs getting down to the business at hand. . . play time! Oh, Buster is the pug without a collar!

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